This is the error only for a one program and I became bushed..subsequently trying to solve error but can not find that output.
later on think that in bewildered mind very small error can not be solved ...then how could life 's error can be solved in worn out and bewildered mind??
There is plethora of things in life that consume our mind and 60% of things is negative...
Is this because many questions in our mind that what happen if this will not done??what to do if this wrong happen??
we become fickle..instead of this let's try something new this time..
Just take one minute and breath in and breath out.. cause at last a time comes when we gets success in all that we want.because "try and try you will win".
Solve problem with nerve ,patience and then solve the any kind of error in your is tough but once you get habit of this all error could be easy to solve.After all said that failures are the stepping stones to success.They may seem worthless in their own way but they have their inherent value.This same in the case of student,employer,player ,indeed ,with everybody in life/.